Workshop Sessions

We will be scheduling a number of workshops at the conference. You'll be expected to register for these during registration at the conference.

W1: "Continuing Professional Development in Knowledge Exchange"

presented by Chris Birch MInstKT (University of Greenwich) and Andrew Corcoran FInstKT (Blueberry Training).

Summary of Workshop Content
The presenters will describe the outcome of an IKT working group that has considered how the Institute can aid its members in achieving personal career development through CPD. Then there will be a participatory phase during which those attending can comment on the proposed content and suggest further development. The workshop will contribute to the IKT launching its 'Certificate of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange'.

The Presenters
IKT Fellow Andrew Corcoran is a Director of Blueberry Training, a company dedicated to training and personal development of innovation professionals. Andrew is also a Director of the IKT and works alongside Chris Birch on the Operations Executive.

Professor Chris Birch, University of Greenwich Business School, is a Director of the IKT and works alongside Andrew on the Operations Executive. Together they have dedicated much of their time considering the CPD landscape for the Innovation Professional.

W2: Developing Effective Knowledge Transfer for the Health Service

Chris Herbert, Business Development Manager, Medipex Ltd

Summary of Workshop Content
The recent Department of Health report on Innovation "Health and Wealth" had a significant focus in it on how industry can better engage with the NHS for R&D and knowledge transfer purposes. This session will demonstrate how effective knowledge transfer processes for the NHS in the Yorkshire and Humber region have been developed and deployed over the last 8 years facilitating a two-way transfer of knowledge between the NHS and industry. The challenges that are faced in delivering these services will be discussed and a number of case studies will illustrate how effective knowledge transfer has been facilitated and how entrepreneurship is crucial as the healthcare sector in the UK evolves.

The Presenter
Chris Herbert is the Business Development Manager of Medipex UK.

W3: Public Relations in Innovation

Jo Kelly and Clare Elsley of CampusPR.

Summary of Workshop Content
Why PR is important and the benefits it can bring to academics/scientists.

The Presenters

Campus PR was founded in 2000 and over the years we’ve developed a client list that includes universities, organisations involved in technology and knowledge transfer and young knowledge and technology based companies.

Campus PR is a specialist agency, focusing on communicating research, innovation and knowledge transfer. This specialism means we have a clear understanding of our clients' sectors, ways of working and the issues they face.

W4: Social Media for Knowledge Transfer - Using Social Media for best advantage in Knowledge Transfer

Geoff Archer, Teesside University

Summary of Workshop Content
As KT professionals, we operate in a multitude of complex networks, we really need all the help we can to make connections and add value. Can Social Networking help us listen to, communicate effectively with and influence Companies? Decision makers? Thought leaders? Colleagues? Associates? Students? Graduates? Funders? Public opinion? Innovation Policy?

LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Yammer, _Connect, Google+, Shhmooze, Wordpress, Blogger, YouTube, Flickr, Pinterest, Digg,, PoGo and BizzPurr - The last two are made up but the list is endless! Which tools to use, where, when and how?

How can we prevent being swamped by information, measure impact and ROI?

  1. 1. Introduction: Guidance, examples and case studies; 15 mins
  2. 2. Practical based breakout session to explore approaches and identify successful examples 60 mins
  3. 3. Summary: Update Presentation with examples from breakouts. 15 mins

"BYO Smart Phones, Laptops and Experience. Cakes provided."

The Presenter

Geoff Archer - LinkedIn Profile @GeoffArcher